Élodie Turpin – « Elo »
Élodie Turpin – « Elo »

Through her university degrees in Biology and Cinema, Élodie has mixed her two passions, the wildlife documentary and ethology. Numerous professional training sessions and studies related to underwater filming and animal behavior led her to dive in South Africa, Malaysia, the Bahamas and the Mediterranean and Red seas. This is how, from diving to training, from university classes to professional workshops, she was able to refine her scientific knowledge and master underwater filming.

After spending hours diving and filming, she also enjoys editing her films, writing and narrating her own commentary. She's often travelling the seas but makes a point of coming back regularly to her roots in Montreal, Canada to visit her family and friends… and attend a great hockey game!

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Francisco Otero-Ferrer – « Fran »
Francisco Otero-Ferrer – « Fran »

His studies in Sea Sciences rapidly led him to understand the importance of marine ecosystems for the planet's equilibrium. Like a true fish, Fran loves diving and being fascinated by underwater wonders.

After several years studying corals, he obtained a PhD studying seahorses. So he's expert to locate small animals and secret spots. As professional diver and diving instructor, he's the one in charge of safety: a half emptied bottle means going back up even if a sunfish or a sea dragon show up or even if there is a mantis shrimp renovating its home!

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